I have one pushing 4 8s. It does what it claims. It bench tested a little above it's rated output. It never shuts down and runs very cool, even when driven hard.
i want to know if i can make two 10'' type r's sound good and loud with a alpine mrd-m605 they are in a sealed box and runing in paralel if they wont then ill just buy another 605 and run one amp two each any sugjestions?
i was thinking about doing the same thing, but i have 2 12" type R's, just wondering what would be better the 2-605's or 1-1005? thx for any advice or comments.
You can wire the coils in series and then to the amp. This will give a 4 ohm load. With the 2 605s each sub would see only 250WRMS @ 12V and about 350WRMS with the car running. Those subs are rated at 500WRMS each. You could get just one MRD-M1005, wire the 2 coils of each sub in parrallel and then wire each sub in series with the other and present the amp with a 2 ohm load. In this case the MRD-M1005 will provide 700W at 12V and 1000W @ 14.4V.