most people i know lover theirs! hey in ur ext cab pickup what is the depth from ur center counsle to the hump in the back of the cab where the jack is what kinda pickup is it going in?
Unregistered guest
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its a 1994 ranger and im not sure right now the measurements but ill look in the morning
ya i've only heard good things about downfiring boxes. you should definately look into it.
Unregistered guest
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Do they port out under the box under the seats?? I dont see any portholes in the ones I am looking at, and im pretty sure Phoenix Golds should be ported...
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Do they port out under the box under the seats?? I dont see any portholes in the ones I am looking at, and im pretty sure Phoenix Golds should be ported...
most downfire boxes that you buy are sealed boxes...i have a buddy w/ 2 memphis 12's in a downfire in his ext cab silverado, and it sounds pretty good.