

New member
Username: Bretzy1990

Springfield, Il U.S.

Post Number: 2
Registered: Oct-05
i have 2 audiobahn aw1206t subwoofers with 1100RMS each and 2200 max output. i am considering buying 2 mono amps. my questions are how much power each amp should have to power each sub, and if i would absoultley need to upgrade my electrical system to my 93 cutlass supreme???

Silver Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 507
Registered: Jul-05
Since there audiobahn's they probably cant handle the full 1100 without falling about in a matter of weeks, so an amp that puts out 1600-2000 rms would be good. so 800 to 1000 rms to each sub would work. Also u will need a HO Alternator, and a new battery. Just try and find the biggest alternator u can find. (for future upgrades)
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