i never said i wouldn't rather have the sub over some chick's flowers, i just said that you blurting out your favorite brand and model of sub for what you want instead of flowers was very random, and that is why you got a few stares.
i wasn't even there and i know that it was out of place......retard. lol
not trying to start anything but im starting to get tired of comparisons between subwoofers which really shouldn't be compared..i mean come one the SX is an SPL woofer that gets louder than the XXX and the XXX is louder than the Ti but of course the Ti is going to sound better...now a more accurate comparison is the Ti Vs XXX but thats been discussed so many times i dont even want to go their.
Perhaps the person didnt know which was which? As far as SPL/SQ subs go. You cant magically know, by the name "Eclipse Titanium" that it's going to be a SQ sub not a SPL sub. That's why a lot of people ask these questions, is to learn.
Just remember, at one point, none of us knew what a "SPL" sub was vs a "SQ" sub. Everyone has to learn, and it's a good way of doing so, as there isnt an easily findable list that rates all subs, and lists them as SQ/SPL/SQL, and definately not in comparison with all the other subs out there.
Glass, you can find several posts about any type of sub you want, and describing it.. But unless you've heard each of the two subs.. You wouldnt know just by reading the posts which would be louder, etc.. A good example...
A W7 is a SQL sub, but it's a bit louder than say, a L5, which is a SPL sub. But someone who hasnt heard them, could do a search, and sift through searches for hours, and still be inconclusive. :-P
"XXX is louder than the Ti but of course the Ti is going to sound better"
Just had to bring that up again....
Have you personally heard both? Who says the Ti sounds better than the XXX or even the SX, or is it just your own opinion based on nothing.
Yes I've heard a Ti, it sounded great, but I honestly don't like subs with metal cones as much as subs with paper cones. I can always hear that faint yet distinct sound a metal coned woofer makes, which is why even though the Eclipse Alum's sound great, I'd never say they are top of the line sound quality subs, wich some people like to argue.
yes Joe i have heard both the XXX and the Ti and i personally(along with several other people i know) believe that the Ti sounds better than the XXX but thats just my personal opinion....not saying that the XXX isnt a great sounding subwoofer....i cant really hear a distinct sound from metal cone woofers but ima have to keep that in mind next time i hear one