9833 is basically the 9835 flagship without the biolite display. i'm not a fan of the slider controller on the newer models such as the 9855. in all i think that anything after the 9835 and 9833 are considerably cheaper. just my take. i'd go with the 9833. i love my 9835 and couldn't see going with another deck.
I have the 9830, it's great. No need to spend the extra money for the biolite display on the 9833, that's the only difference. I think the 9835 has a even better display, more bands on the eq, and better time correction, other than that they're all very similar.
The new Alpine's aren't like the old ones, especailly with the new slide menu, which sucks to be honest. They're all good, but the new stuff isn't built like last year's models.
yeh i was gonna wait for the new hu's.. im so glad i bought the 9835 though.. awesome hu.. honestly how long can u expect that rediculous glidetouch to last?.. cant see the life expectancy of the new ones to be very long