I sold my HU on ebay over 2 weeks ago. It was in perfect workign condition. Today i got a message from the buyer saying that the radio works, but the cd player doesnt. He told me to send him a refund and he would ship the item back. Since it has been 2 weeks, and i know for a fact that it was working perfectly when it was removed, i dont feel that i should give a full refund. I took out insurance on the item when i shipped it, and i feel that is the best route.
hey chris. havn't heard from you in a minute. i would explain it to him just how you explained it. and let that be that. let him receive the insurance.
thats what i figured. He just e-mailed me with more of an explanation. he says that the radio is perfect, but when he plays a cd, it reads it find, but there is no audio. Any ideas??
Ask him what kind of cd it is. Maybe he has a bad song/cd. I doubt you will be able to collect insurance on it. They only cover visible damage, and you have to notify them right away. After 2 weeks, you have almost zero chance. Go read your other post.