Hey, I was wondering if anyone had an opinion, on what brand, or size, or model would pair best with an orion 6002 amplifier. I have had the amp for a while, but my last subwoofer blew. I had an Audiobahn DVC, that said it handled 1200 watts total. I am not sure if I underpowered, or overpowered it. The amplifier is rated at 600 watts bridged, or 300 watts by 2 at 2 ohms. I would like to get 12" speakers, and I was looking at Phoenix Gold Xenons, or Kicker L7's. I am not sure whether I should go with a 1 speaker, or a 2 speaker set-up. I do not have to purchase these particularly. Any and all opinions, or advice, would help tremendously.
I would like something that is loud, but I can comprimise, I would really rather it sound clean. I listen to a wide variety of music, but mostly rock and roll. So if I could get something that would sound good, and clean with that type of music, it would be great. I would not like to exceed $350.00-$400.00. I would really like to spend less. That is another reason why I was thinking about only running one subwoofer, with the orion bridged.