RE being worthless to anyone else?


Silver Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 141
Registered: Sep-05
I was planning on getting 2 10" RE SEs out of the group buy.. they never answered him and he gave up. Shortly after that ive called every day since, never gotten an answer. Written 2 e-mails to sales, and even 1 to Tech, is there a reason why they wont take my money? i mean what more do they ask. I want bass, and im about to drive my to jl dealer and buy some W3v2's if someone cant explain why they wont do business

Gold Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 1220
Registered: May-05
i almost did the same with adire, but they snatched my wrist and built me some custom subs.
i doubt re will be so kind.
their bandwagon is a bit large though. perhaps they are in the process of hiring more employees to cover the demand (in fairness).

Bronze Member
Username: Jakeyplaysbass

Post Number: 77
Registered: Jul-05
haha yeah they only have a handful of employees as of right now and i can only imagine the calls and e-mails they get. im not saying its an excuse but just makeing a statement.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 1271
Registered: Mar-04
from what i have heard...most of RE's employees have been at dB Drag nationals the last part of last week and this weekend.

try calling them tomorrow.

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4689
Registered: Nov-04
RE is getting popular too fast. They need to hire more staff to handle the demand peaks better.
Most of the people in Canada hasn't even heard of RE name. Imagine when they know about it. It'll cause even more demand spike.

Silver Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 143
Registered: Sep-05
at least marshalls reason is a valid reason for why they have not been answering. the reason i was so dissapointed when i made up my mind on the SE's over the W3's was that i heard from a post about a month ago that they had good customer service and when i tried to talk with them i got nothing. ill try calling tomorrow, thanks for the info

Silver Member
Username: Johnnylemoine

LaPlace, Louisiana United States

Post Number: 523
Registered: Aug-04
yes they were at DB drags for a week and were closed for that week i got threw to them today

Bronze Member
Username: Dropp

Ocala, Florida US

Post Number: 19
Registered: Apr-05
I got through to them yesterday!
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