What is a good deal to you? It'll depend on the price. How much did you pay for yoru 10W7 and HO box? You'll be very pleased with the result. I've heard the demo. I myself ordered 12W7 in HO box, and hopefully it'll arrive next week. Justin, if you plan on getting the Memphis, use self control with the volume. 10W7 is 500w rms, and maybe 600w before bottoming out. I've seen 500/1 for $250. That was the lowest price.
you also have to remember that the jl "slash" amps are underrated so you tend to get a few more then 500 watts out of a 500/1. That is the amp that JL made for that sub so if you can get it for a good deal then I would be all over it. JL is very expensive most of the time but their stuff is top notch, and they market themselves correctly so they can charge the prices they do because people keep buying them.
If he's going to make a deal on the amp that you can't refuse, then it'll do. JL 500/1 is however, like James said, is a great amp for 10W7. BTW, I got my 12W7 in HO box for $525 shipped.
Well I was going to make a 6 cu ft box with huge ports, but my brother is borrowing it from me. He'll probably keep it for free. James have you heard of W7 in a HO box? It was quite interesting. That box costs too much for me to open up and see. Wonder if an xray machine might work.
yes I have heard it and it sounds fantastic but with a hefty price tag. IMO you can aquire the same sound out of a sub that cost's less(new) not at the crack head price that you got yours at.lol! how did you finagle that one? by the way I bought that truck today so I am trying to see what sub I am gonna use in it. I think I am going to use a avalanche 12 my avalanche 15 is just too big for it.
Ha ha, I know James. Sometimes you get lucky with kids wanting SPL over SQ. The HO box alone is over $200. BTY, how did you manage to get the truck so fast? No waiting period with the wife? Man if I had a truck like that, I'd install 4 200w spot lights on the roof, 300w AM/FM/CW/SB radio with booster, power inverter, extra set of batteries, HO alternator, extra powerful tow motor, PA speaker hidden with siren. I know I'm forgetting something. Oh, a hidden flame thrower. I've seen one on eBay before. It can come in handy during ice storm.
hahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew the flame thrower was coming in there somewhere. Well the wife was easy to convince all I told her was if she wanted more money to shop I need this truck. lol I knew she would see it my way. I pick it up on wednesday
Man you're getting your Christmas present early! So it's true, even when a girl gets married, she still love shopping. I don't know how you'll sleep on Tuesday night. I find it very hard waiting.