will using line output converters to run the signal from my stock 6x9's to my sub amp create the same sq that a new HU would? kinda wanted to keep factory look dash.
If that's your only choice, then it'll give you some SQ, but not like the new HUs with rca. At low volume, it might sound decent, but as you raise the power, the bass tend to drop off. I am not sure if it was JL or another company, but one of them offered LOC with better SQ. If you do a search on this forum, you might find it.
thanks Isaac and Tyler. I checked on the JL Cleansweep, that would work perfectly. Only problem is that its not cheap, 315 bucks new on Ebay, and i dont have that extra cash right now. i guess im gonna have to stick with basic line output converters.
That's JL Audio for you. I think the CleanSweep was for those pansies who don't want to rip out their "BOSE" stock systems in their Mercedes Benz. (I LOATHE BOSE!) They're more of a ripoff than JL AUDIO!
i have an accord with the basic setup, no bose for me. i just didnt want to have to change everything and pay for a new HU, components, and subs/amps. oh well, my ears will suffer some so my pocket doesnt have to as much.
You dont have to take it all with one big hit like that. You can get a nice head unit for $100 less then the JL clean sweep cost's. If you use Ebay at all look into it I saved $300 on my head unit alone. Just because you put in a new deck doesnt mean you need to go out and get components and amps to run them. Just by putting in a new deck with more/cleaner power your stock mids and highs will brighten up tremendously, not to mention your subs will be much louder/clearer as well. After you save up some more money down the road then maybe look into replacing your stock speakers wether it be a component set or just a nice set of coax's. Believe me it will make a huge difference by getting a aftermarket deck.
James is right. My friend is still running his stock 6.5" and 6x9's and they almost sound as clear as my other friend's Sony 6.5" and 6x9's. Not as nice as my Volfenhag 5x7's though...For door speakers, those things put out crisp mids/highs. The bass is a little lacking at a dropoff of 60Hz, but it works for me! Better than stock whizzer speakers ANY DAY!
The Cleansweep isn't just an LOC. It converts the analog signal to effective 24 bit digital resolution, runs it through a 32 bit SHARC DSP which contains a 1/3 octave equalizer PER channel (4 channels total) that sets itself as an auto-eq would. It then functions as a line driver giving an 8V RMS output. It also has inputs for I-pods, MP3 players, etc. For $315 that isn't a bad deal at all, a pair of mono 1/3 octave EQs will run you that much easily.
I have the same dilemma. Have a 6cd changer HU and crappy speakers. Gonna go with my stock Hu with a LOC probably until christmass (1-2 months). I wanna get a nice DVD/Nav HU with a ipod adaptor since I don't use cd's anymore. I was thinking of getting a lower end Alpine HU until then but thats just a waste of money. The LOC only cost 20-30 bucks.
It's a double Din so I wanna get the kenwood, but then I would have to get a Viper alarm since the kenwood doesn't 'hide' it's screen.