hi guys i am really confused right now... currently i am running 2 infinities 10" with 250 rms n 1000 watts peak. ALpine Mono amp is powering them up Mrd M300 n is giving then approx 300 X 1 rms on 2 ohms means 150 X2 .... thats one... now i am planning to get ROckford fosgate p3 10" or 12" sub o nly one and going to power with that amp.. my question is which would sound better.. 2 infinities or one PUnch.. p3 as u know is 400 rms with 800 peak which would sound better n whats be tter... i will also upgrade my amp in future soo considering that too.. amp is 300 X1 @ 2ohmz
With the 2 subs, you're under powering them. Probably a little better match for one RF sub. In terms of moving air, the 2 subs will do a better job, thus giving more bass. However, you're playing with same amount of amp power, 300w, so it could be a wash. You really need to save a little more money and go for a better sub/amp.
well this is all i have for now i cannt spend more money cuz of college.. but what will be the best option here.. 2 infinities or 1 RF sub.. i personally think its Infinities becuase i am only giving them like 300 watts n they sound awesome where are they can give 500 rms soo plz help me....
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well with 2 infinities, you would get louder bass... RF is good but if you don't wanna spend more, then go for infinities. they will give you more bass