I have a JL 12w6v2 Prowedge powered by a JL 500/1 It soiunds great but I have to turn the sub level on my Headunit to about 3 quarters. I think thats leaving not much headroom. I was thinking of getting the Prowedge with 2 12W6V2's and powering it with a Zapco REference 1100.1 amp. I'm not really a bass-o-holic, I just want the system to be able to play anything without distress. You can see the rest of my system in my profile, so you can see what else I have. Any suggestions?
the JL sub is built so well that you can run the one w/ the sub level up and have no problems. if you want to do the prowedge and zapco amp for 2 then that would be plenty loud.
i have considered that same setup for my next install. then i decided on three w6 with a ed nine.1 at .67 ohms. the zapco does over 1200 watts. that 600 watts is about ideal for the w6 imo.
Hey Mike you might want to check into that EDnine.1 I have heard some horror stories about it as far as reliability issue's. If you have it use it if not look into it. I used to run 2 10w6v1's off a ppi a600 and man it was nice just lacked the depth I was after because they were 10's but man did they soound good.