Having trouble with component install, help.


Silver Member
Username: Goon

Post Number: 335
Registered: Feb-05
Ok, I bought an amp for my components and i started to put the tweeters in. The thing I can't figure out is how to get the wires from the amp through the door to the tweeters and woofer. I have a 98 rodeo and it seems the stock components are wired as one. Would it be ok, to bypass the crossover infinity gave me, and wire the amp to the wires at the wiring harness. but the stock tweeter and woofer wires are blue/yellow, and on the harness there is only one set of blue/yellow. does this mean there is a built in crossover? I would wire them through the door but i can't get to the area I need to, and i'm not that advanced. the door panels were a huge step for me. thanks for any info you can give!

Silver Member
Username: Tdisanto

Post Number: 259
Registered: Sep-05
howie fletersnatch, i like it. LMAO

dont override the crossovers, otherwise there will not be the proper signal distrubtion to the midrange/tweeter. Just try to figure out a way to get the wire from the car into the door. The stock wires have to go from the HU to the stock speakers, so just run your wires from the amp to the door jamb(spelling?) and then run them where the stock ones went. Shouldnt be too hard, lots of people do it. Hope that helps, good luck :-)

Silver Member
Username: Goon

Post Number: 336
Registered: Feb-05
i tried looking at the door jamb...but i can't seem to find them. there are objects blocking it stuff. but ill look again. this is fun, but i want it to work already damnit. thanks mike.

Silver Member
Username: Goon

Post Number: 337
Registered: Feb-05
Problem, at the door jamb they are still one wire... they connect as one somewhere in the door. I have this clear film seperating the door and door panel, is it ok to remove this, or is it there for some reason? anyone have any tips on feeding a wire through and finding it on the other side? this is driving me crazy.

Silver Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 442
Registered: Feb-05
i made a hole in the rubber gromet deal where all the door wireing comes out of the door just big enough for the wire to pull through but keep sealed well. and i was lucky to have a whole with a plug in it in the door jam to run my wires. you should be able to drill you one, just watch how you run the wire so it doesn't get pinched too much or cut when you shut the door.

that plastic your talking about is a vapor barrier, keeps water off your door panel.

Silver Member
Username: Goon

Post Number: 338
Registered: Feb-05
so i guess i should leave it on then hu?

Silver Member
Username: Tdisanto

Post Number: 334
Registered: Sep-05
NO, amp them if it is at all possible. Youll never regret it. Dont be afraid of some elbow grease and creative thinking.

"The end justifies the means" -Machiavelli

Silver Member
Username: Goon

Post Number: 342
Registered: Feb-05
oh don't worry, i'm not giving up that easy. today i got a wire coat hanger and ran it through with the wire and it popped out the other side, and then the sky fell on me. i live in florida, so there i am with the door panels off wiring exposed ect. and it's a monsoon outside. but i got the wire through, ill let you all know how it works out when I am done. I hate working weekends.
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