i have changed my mind once again.wating till Xmas to get my system so i dont have to spend any of my money lol. a friend just gave me an idea of going for sq for my 6-9" and 5-7" and get a sub that hits hard so i can realy feel and hear the sub hit...any idea i was thinking a kicker sub(s)but any ideas anyone could give me would be great.
12" subs and i am not looking for sq a hole lot on my sub(s) i am goin for sq on my 5-7" and 6-9" car speakers with a hard hiting sub.i got about $1000 to spend between my xmas money and me puting in a lil green as well.
just to say kicker comp and cvr subs have good sq it the pos square subs that sound like sh!t. scott look into re sx and xxx, or eclipse ti, for sub they get plenty loud enough and still retain really good sq. and for an amp a kicker kx 1200.1 would power all those subs very good.