i had a type-r 1222d on a hifonics amp but am now building a box for 2 subs (ported) and selling that sub on ebay because i want to be able to get them down to a one ohm load on my amp. the way i figured it with hifonics pushing 70% of what they claim i will be getting about 420wRMS per sub.
should i.... get two of the type-R's 1242D and spend all that money and still be underpowering them or.... get 2 different subs for a little chaper that will be evenly matched RMS w/ my amp
if so what subs should i get (2 for cheaper on ebay w/ warany)? they need to be either 2ohm SVC or 4ohm DVC so i can wire it down to one ohm.
i would like somthing that compares well to the type r because it was good . lots of SQL but still come SQ
thanks rovin but i think for the sake of my pocket im gonna stay with hifonis for now even thou i know its not very good ill consider that amp when i dig up some more cash and sell my amp on ebay later.
ok i dont think i have enough cash for the d6 but i think i may go with the D3's anyone know about these subs other than the obvious? or if any other subs compare for around the same?
According to this that memphis is RMS/Peak (W)- 250/450 thats y i found it was so cheap -lol
Diamond though it says 350wrms ID website has specs @ 500wrms !
Luckily 4 u - i've sitting here past 2 hrs looking @ what to get 4 myself cause i'm also search for some 12s around 450/500 wrms for my MB Quart RAA1000 amp so i just finished checking up on those.......
yea diamond has a 50wat higher RMS but the handleing power is insane for the infinitys so it less risk of blowing them i think at this point im stuk between the infinity kapa perfect the Diamond Audio D312D4 or after i save a little more money the Diamond Audio D612D4 buti will be under powering those and if im gonna spend that much should i just get the type-r's? im lost
Note that the DA D612D4s are optimized for a sealed enclosure. I'll be running two of them with a KX1200.1 at 1 ohm in a sealed enclosure with 1.25 cubic ft. per sub plus 1.5 lbs. of poly-fill per sub.
All of my research and homework in the last 3 months has shown that these are mostly SQ subs. Put them in a sealed box and throw the power to them. LOL. They can be had for $150 or less online.