I'm really interested in this deal with rainbow that glasswolf's friend has going on. I'm interested in the cmx 465 extremes or the extreme kicks. I dont mind spending $400 on a set of speakers but if I am going to be spending that kind of money (which is alot for me) I just want to make sure I wont be dissapointed.Will these speakers sound good(I.E high resolution,clarity and detail w/excellent midbass response) and get loud with my xenon 200.2 amp with 200 wrms per channel going to them? Will they be good for classic rock,metal,soft rock,trance and alternative? How would these compare to boston acoustic pro60's? I did get a chance to listen to the pro60's and I liked them alot, plus I can get them for about $100 less then the cmx's.I'm pretty happy with my a/d/s 236 IS speakers now but they wont handle 200wrms and the silk tweeters arn't loud enough because they're located in the kick panels. I just want to make the right decision. Any and all opinions welcome, thanks
Aaron: I can vouch for the CS 265 Profi Vanadium Phase Plug components which is a couple lines above your considered set.They are like $600 though.
My friends Dad has a set in a Suburban and I can't believe the sound of those things.They are like 110 rms and yours are 200 I think. Most incredible sound I've heard in a vehicle.
Actually getting some myself now instead of the JL Xr's I wanted. Going to use the JL amp I had matched for the Xr's for now. I would guess your model would sound great but I'd assume they are more geared towards output than the Profi Vanadium Phase Plug components.
The CMX comps are Rainbows power set, punchier midbass and a little stronger tweeter. It isn't their most laid back set. It is accurate, but focuses more on dynamics than utmost resolution, there is a tradeoff that comes with the two of those. The main difference between the 465 and the 265 is that the 465 is a 2 ohm component system.
Rainbow makes fantastic equipment on any level, and I highly doubt you'd be disappointed as long as it is to your taste.
Do you want loud tweeters as in just loud while still being smooth, or do you want loud in the sense of loud and brighter like a metal dome?
Jonathan: I want loud tweeters as in just loud while still being smooth with high definition. I want to hear every little detail from the high hat "tss tss tss" to the loud sparkling cymbal crash to the beautiful ringing of a gong. When I listen to trance I want the synthesizers to stand out in all they're perfect buzzing detail.
and if not rainbows then would the boston pro60's suffice? or is there another component set that would handle 200wrms priced up to $400 that you would recommend? thanks