I plan on purchasing the Re Sx (1000W RMS)as soon as i can figure out which amp(s) to use. I've been looking and have pretty much decided on either one RE 12.1 (700W @ 2ohms, $390) or 2 Phoenix Gold Octane-R 5.0:1 (500W @ 2ohms, $200 ea.) I talked to RE and they said their products should match up fine but i wanted a second opinion. which setup would be better in terms of quality. I've heard the RE amps are underrated but I don't wish to risk clipping. Thanks.
I have an RE SX and I was told by RE that I could run 1500 into it, so IMO, I would go with the RE amp, but there are other choices, do a search. I know it's been brought up alot amps about that price range. It depends to on what the voice coil set-up will be?