ok i have been threw alot of subs and never had any i liked i had 2 12" hx2's i had 2 w3's and much more but i had 2 d6 series MA Audio and they out played them all far as SQ and SPL but now i want to go down to like 2 10's or 2 8's but i dont know what a good brand is to get i am looking for more SQ they SPL but still want to have good SPL LOL can some one help me?
At this current junction, I am all over Eclipse Titanium's nuts...
I just installed one 12 in my Xterra with only 600 watts in a slot ported box tuned to 32 hertz...
Not only is it excellently loud at low power, but, I think it sounds amazing...
I had it installed at tweeter, and they had this truck with SIX w3 12's to promote their installation team. When the guy finished setting u p my system he began to tune it.
Well, I guess one of the guys wanted to be a dick head, and went into the truck and started playing it with the same song...
It was louder then my one twelve obviously becuase it was a 6 to 1 ratio, but I was getting so much better tonal quality it was ridiculous. There were points in time when the Eclipse would just step out and be like, "here's 35 hertz heavy; take it like a whooore"
Point of the story, 2 eclipse 10 inch titaniums in the proper enclosure will slam and sound very very nice in the right enclosure.