Recently installed head unit and sounds great with CD/MP3, however I have not been able to pick up any local radio other than high frequency stations in the area, and even those come through with poor quality. I understand that I may need to program something with the head unit to get it to pick up the lower frequency stations, but have no idea how to go about this. Anyone have thoughts on this; post or email me if you would.
i had an Alpine CDA 9813 and the radio reception on it sucked too. Just got a Panasonic CQ VD7001U and the readio reception on it is great. theres a measure on the spec sheet that says what the FM reception is. not sure exactly what its called, but the higher the number the better. the panasonic is like a 12 where the alpine was like a 8. someone on here will know what i'm talking about and make it more clear for you.