Unregistered guest
After about 15min of use with my vol at like 30 it starts to get really hot i upp'd some settings on my HU and stuff didnt check it b4 but i just noticed it gets hot is that a bad thing??

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 1534
Registered: Aug-05
as long as it doesn't go into protect mode, it should be fine.

all amps get hot.

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 281
Registered: Aug-05
My amp...only gets hot, when it's hot outside...Audiobahn is good for one thing, their intake fans! My amp gets WARM, but has only shut off because of heat ONCE, and ya know, it's kinda my fault (100F weather lol). If it gets that hot, just to be safe, check all wiring, for example, the ground and impedance load on the amp. Those are usually a couple of the easily identified problems for over heating.

Unregistered guest
shuld i get like a fan for it if i culd some how:S

Silver Member
Username: Xkawn

Post Number: 140
Registered: Jul-05

New member
Username: Excesslancer

Atlanta , Ga Usa

Post Number: 9
Registered: Sep-05
increase the size of your power and ground wires and make sure amp has good air flow! and gains are not maxed out
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