Archive through September 21, 2005

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
I need some advicetaylor172
Tips for box to fit in toyota tacoma double cabThomas Arrington1
Ebay warrany?terry64054
Could you request the best DMM for my situation...Trevor Eaton11
Element design systemStevie doo11
Platinum/Gold Members: Got a question...mikechec98
Box questionAnonymous5
Question about amp setupJames Longo2
RE service issuesMike DiSanto21
DB amd AMP RaitingGlassWolf5
Does underpowering a sub hurt it?MuddyWaters37
Need help on which subs to getMuddyWaters12
Direction that subs faceSean Gibson4
2 kicker comp VR 15"5432120
Are RE's really that efficient??Matt Owens20
Just put a Nakamichi CD400 on EBAY!!!Ultimate Post Ho1
Is this box worth itRovin2
Whats up with this????marshall white2
Recomended clearance: driver to enclosure wallIsaac7
Mt box sizeIsaac2
My amp + subchad wedgewood1
DB amd AMP RaitingMuddyWaters12
Need help with amp choosingMuddyWaters3
Need help with amp choosingMuddyWaters12
2 12'' Kicker CompVr's...can i bet anyhting better for $150...marshall white18
JL 12W7 and e1800D?Dave Hilario7
JL 1000rms what kit?Trevor Eaton2
Alpine vs rockfordAlan Ledbetter13
Soundsplinter rl-s MuddyWaters6
BlaupunktHarrison Martin1
Type R, type X which one?taylor178
Coustic questionEclipse 078
Better for pricechristopher8
Best amp for 2 RE SE'smatt thigpen8
T/S Parameter questionsMuddyWaters13
Alpine question, 2-type R's vs 1 type XGlassWolf4
Kicker 12'' CVR's, what type of box, sealed or ported?Mike5
Alpine type r versus RE REDave Richer10
Looking for crisp bass!mikechec94
2ohm or 4 ohm L7Jake Hill15
Wiring helpHeblo1
4 12" subwoofersRobert4
Passive/Electronic Crossover to subsmikechec96
Glass/Jonathan.. Best Place to Mount 8"smikechec936
RE questionHunter Warren2
Does Pioneer make good subs?Hunter Warren4
Need some subs for about 400-900 matt thigpen48
Lookin for 2 12s under $300MazdaMan5
1 or 2 L7s?Mike DiSanto6
Is there sub like this?Mike DiSanto14
Bass remote vs. Bass knobtim6
Marshall, Idea.marshall white2
Wiring helpRovin5
JBL or Pioneer Sub?tim4
Dog hair, dust bunnies, etc.Mike DiSanto9
Volfenhag SubsMike DiSanto29
Quick answerRobert2
Mtx 8000 10in subs need boxjunior4
2 12inch cewin vega v-maxs vs 1 type rMazdaMan17
Convert a sealed enclosure into ported?GlassWolf13
Rockford Fosgate Series 1GlassWolf3
Adding another subwoofer / sealed ported Box mikechec912
High SQ subsmikechec97
2 12" Alpine Type-R's (2004) for tradeD P W1
My sound setup delimmas, need help smith esco1
Eclipse Aluminum? Jake Hill!Jake Hill19
Help deciding on subMuddyWaters10
Help with amp!!!!Anonymous2
Sound Splinter Rl-p 15"????????????MuddyWaters15
THE NEW RL-S FIFTEEN!!!!MuddyWaters2
How big of subs can i fit in my trunk?matt thigpen6
Repairing a blown subEric Sony5
The systemJohn H. Greg6
Again, another uge dilemascuba steve16
Whats going on people? havent been on in a while whats newTrevor Eaton22
Subs Not WorkingHunter Warren2
SQ sub and ampgreg mavity1
Whats better for SPLJustin4
Whast a good setup?Hunter Warren14
I Need WIRING help!Ross Kabo1
Ported box building?Tyler L7
One JL 12W7 vs two Alpine 12'' type R'sSimon J Casey10
Ported box for 3 12" w3v2sYoungblood1
Custom Sub box for a mustangMark Ross11
Circuit CityRobert8
Pontiac grand prix trunk?ross55883
Box Questionmarshall white7
12" ID Max, Eclipse Titanium, Alpine Type X or RE XXXJake Hill4
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