Square box versus triangle shaped box


Bronze Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 49
Registered: Sep-05
in the hatchback of my 3000gt, me and my friend were thinking about building a triangle shaped box. because the trunk is like 5 inches or something past the hatch, if we built a triangle box that went up with the hatch, we would be able to fit some 10s in there and run it down. but my question is what difference does a triangle box make versus a square one. it seems like everybody in the world has a square box, except for the jl audio box that comes with the W3v2s that i was looking at, which i believe is triangular but i could be wrong. any input would be great before i start building it, thanks

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10530
Registered: Dec-03
just a matter of calculating volume.
that's all

Bronze Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 51
Registered: Sep-05
calculating volume? put that in scrub terminology for me

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10532
Registered: Dec-03
volume. the amount of air in the box. I can't make it much simpler than that.
If you don't know what box volume is, you have zero business trying to build a box for a speaker. seriously.
pay a professional to make the box for the car.
then at laest it'll be done right.
there are calculators all over the net for this stuff. just look for them. try www.bcae1.com

Bronze Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 52
Registered: Sep-05
no i know exactly what box volume is i just didnt know what you ment when you said calculating... confused me and just wanted you to specify because i was just asking what the effects of the same subs in the two different types of boxes would be

Bronze Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 53
Registered: Sep-05
im taking AP CALC and AP STAT, its not hard at all to figure out the base and volume of a triangle shaped box, so is that the only difference between a square/retangular and a triangle box? same SQ and Loudness even though the box will be facing up at a 45 degree angle at the hatch instead of directly back at the trunk?

Bronze Member
Username: Jundi

Post Number: 18
Registered: Dec-04
Here is the thing with box building as long as you have the same volume as specified (taking into acount the amount of air the sub and port take up)you could make the box any shape you want. All those crazy design that have been done with fiberglass all the curves and all that when it comes down to it they have the same volume as your square box or whatever. So they're shouldnt be any difference in sql or spl as long as you build the box right.

Bronze Member
Username: Thigpen

RVA, Va Usa

Post Number: 54
Registered: Sep-05
thats fine, i can do all of the math and my friend knows a pretty good amount about boxes, made a box for some memphis subs and they sounded really good, but i just wanted to make sure that it wouldnt throw off the base or sq by changing the angle the subs would be facing in the trunk. thanks for the input

Silver Member
Username: Fandim

Reno, Nevada United State...

Post Number: 193
Registered: Jun-05
The direction the sub is facing will very much effect SQ. And SPL, both. It might be good. It might be bad. One way to find out.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10542
Registered: Dec-03
driver placement has more of an effect on output and timbre due to cabin gain and reflection. It's not so much an issue to do with the internal box shape. Box volume also affects output and response curve of the driver.
I misunderstodd what you were trying to ask.


New member
Username: Maddrakkett

Post Number: 4
Registered: Sep-05
I always heard and understood that box shape does have an effect on resonance due to reflections of sound within the box.

Irregular surfaces (such as a triangle box) are supposed to be better than equal surfaces (such as a squre box) unless the resonance you get from a square box is to your liking.

Seems to me you'll do fine with the triangle box.

Bronze Member
Username: Jonboy

Peoria, Arizona

Post Number: 11
Registered: Sep-05
Not to go off topic, but I can't seem to figure out what SQ or SPL means.
I have been reading these forums and trying to google a definition with no success.

Silver Member
Username: Camaro155mph

Post Number: 175
Registered: Aug-05
SQ = Sound quality SPL = Loudness of the sub
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