Disturbed's new CD review... 9.5


Gold Member
Username: Taylor17

Kopperl, Texas

Post Number: 2913
Registered: Jan-05
I got Disturbed's new CD yesterday, and love it. It has the same basic sound as there last 2 CD's, "the Sickness" and "believe." Which is good if you like Disturbed I guess. If I didn't like either one of there other CD's, I guess I wouldn't of gotten this one huh?:-) lol
Anyway, great songs, and great sound! It has great heavy drumb kicks in every song, and really makes the components sing! Great clarity.
I give this album a 9.5 for over all music, and system sound.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 3725
Registered: Aug-04
Man, I wanted to buy that so bad. Don't have time to get to the city right now tough.

Gold Member
Username: Taylor17

Kopperl, Texas

Post Number: 2923
Registered: Jan-05
Yup, it's a great CD, not a waste of money, thats for sure.
I had my mom pick it up while I was in school. Bet she looked funny asking the guy "hum, do you have Disturbed's new CD?" lol hahahaha

Bronze Member
Username: Deezel

Post Number: 60
Registered: Jul-05
I bought "The Sickness" on the day it was released back in 2000. Back when no one knew or cared who Disturbed was. I think I paid 5 dollars for it new, because there was no demand for it.

In 2002, on its first day of release, I bought "Believe."

Over the years however, I've severly outgrown Disturbed.

There is literally thousands of metal bands out their with so much more talent then disturbed, its ridiculous.

The new album is, IMO, awful. Their sound went no where. Its like the just took different random parts from both of the cds, and mixed them together.

That's great that you like it, but everyone and their mother is claiming this album is a masterpeice, and quite frankly, its untalented second rate trash.

It just makes me mad that their are so many other talented metal bands out there that get no appreciation, and got mocked, while Disturbed rehashes garbage and goes platinum.

Gold Member
Username: Taylor17

Kopperl, Texas

Post Number: 2936
Registered: Jan-05
I'm glad to see you like it too.:-)
If people liked there 1st CD, then they put out a CD that has the same sound as the first sound, and sell just as minny CD's, then it makes sense to have the third sound simular as well.
Like I said, it has the same style as 1/2 thats why I like it so much.
I'd of been extreemly mad if I'd of bought this CD expecting the same style, and they've totally changed.

Bronze Member
Username: Gavbo211


Post Number: 77
Registered: Jan-05
I love "The Sickness" and thought that "Believe" was decent so ill have to check out their new cd and see what i think of it. I dont know what it is about Disturbed that appeals to me but they are really the only heavy metal band i like. Maybe KingDeezie is right and i just havent heard enough to know whats good and whats not, but im usually more of a fan of bands along the line of Taking Back Suday, Dashboard Confessional, and Green Day (older stuff). But for some reason i cant get enough of "The Sickness" lol.

Gold Member
Username: Taylor17

Kopperl, Texas

Post Number: 2940
Registered: Jan-05
You should like this one then.
Disturbed just has there own unique sound.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 3728
Registered: Aug-04
KingDeezie Disturbed isn't the most talented group no. But I still like 'em. You can't honestly say the album is complete trash, it's your personall opinion, and personally I could care less what you think. They do have a unique sound. It's not awful or anything. This reminds me of how everybody bashed Metallica when they came out with St. Anger. Everybody throws a fit because they changed their sound. I admit, that album was definitely their worst, but it still wasn't garbage.

Gold Member
Username: Taylor17

Kopperl, Texas

Post Number: 2956
Registered: Jan-05
Lol, I didn't like it either.
I guess in my opinion, It's because they changed there style, and if Disturbed did that too, I prob wouldn't like them any more either.
If you don't like Disturbed, good. Thats you're own personal opinion/taste in music. I'm sure I don't like some of the same bands as you.
So if you don't like disturbed, PLZ don't bash. Now if you got the new CD, and for some reason didn't like it, PLZ post and tell why.
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