Need help with amp turning off because of current (?)


New member
Username: Thebigdon

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-05
i have an accord coupe and i put in two 12 alpine type-r subs with dual 4 ohm coils. my amp is a alpine mrd-m1005 and i have a power acoustik 5 farad cap. the system worked fine for about a month, but now it turns off after about 20 seconds of playing. the screen on the amp flashes CUR and the manual says that is because of high currrent. what is wrong and what can i do?

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10322
Registered: Dec-03
if the subs and coils are in parallel, you have a 1 ohm load.
the amp is only stable to 2 ohms.
you bought the wrong subs.
you needed the dual 2 ohm coil models

New member
Username: Thebigdon

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-05
so what does the screen flash CUR? if i get 2 alpine mrd-m605 amps would that solve the problem? or do you recommend another amp?

Silver Member
Username: Fandim

Reno, Nevada United State...

Post Number: 153
Registered: Jun-05
Big Don - the problem is, it's saying "current" because a 1 ohm load, is too little for your amp, so it's putting out more current than it is meant to, thus creating more heat than the amp is capable of safely dissipating.

You need either a Monoblock amp that is stable @ 1 ohm, a pair of 2 ohm amplifiers, or a 2-channel amplifier that can be bridged. (Then wire your subs internally in series, making htem 8 ohm, then wire'm together paralell, making them 4 ohm again.) Most 2-channels are bridgeable at 4 ohms. And it's not difficult to find a mono amp safe @1.

Bronze Member
Username: Bworcester

Post Number: 11
Registered: Sep-05
Big Don, getting 2 alpine mrd-m605 amps would solve the problem, and I personally think it is the best solution, because the mrd-m605 works very well with one type-r.

New member
Username: Thebigdon

Post Number: 3
Registered: Sep-05
thanks alot. i think im gonna go with a Rockford Fosgate T10001bd mono amp (1000 rms @1ohm) because its a little cheaper and my system is already wired for a single amp. thanks for the help.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10332
Registered: Dec-03
that'll work too
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