Volfenhag Subs


New member
Username: Audio_paul

Watkins, MN United States

Post Number: 9
Registered: Oct-04
are those ones on ebay for $100 as loud as they say they are my friend said it would blow to back window out of my eclipse?

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10232
Registered: Dec-03
your friend needs help. :-)
those subs are junk.

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Username: Djman37

Mesquite, Tx Usa

Post Number: 10
Registered: May-04
it'll blow the window out if you throw them at it. I don't know anyone that has them. Reports say their loudness = @ss sound.

Bronze Member
Username: Tdisanto

Post Number: 27
Registered: Sep-05
ive heard those subs before! You would be better off singing to yourself= better SQ


Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 202
Registered: Aug-05
Hey now, easy on the Volfenhag jokes. They play loudly, but in a sealed box, at high levels you can pick out the lack of clarity. I'd recommend them to you over Sony however. They do get as loud as they say, but I've only used them in a sealed box, and they may sound better in a well designed ported box. They get very deep regardless of what others say, I should know, I have them :-)

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10264
Registered: Dec-03
any sub is loud if you feed it enough power,
how long it lasts is another issue entirely.

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 206
Registered: Aug-05
Mine have lasted since last February!

Unregistered guest
i have a pair of 12" volfenhags in a seald box in the hatch of my mustang. they get pretty loud with only 250wrms each at 4Ohms. but they're only about a third louder than my 2 12" RF punch HE's. i've had the volfenhags for about 2 months now and and haven't found a bass line they don't like.
good subs for the price but when i get my other amp, we'll see how long they last.

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 211
Registered: Aug-05
Rider, I give mine 400W RMS, and they take every bit of it. I've also had that same experience that they don't miss a note.

Silver Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 950
Registered: May-05
"it'll blow the window out if you throw them at it." lmao

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 3479
Registered: Jun-04
Ok first ive said this...you all knowing I support the fact that volfenhag subs are much better than people give them credit but honestly at that price their are better subs to be had (100 a piece)

Silver Member
Username: Shadylimitedx

Pgh, Pa Usa

Post Number: 279
Registered: Apr-05
u can buy the 12s for 50 a piece an i have 1 12 in a firebird in a ported box tuned to 30hz an a pioneer 760watt amp at 8ohms an its loud as he11 an it like flexs da back window but it didnt brake an u can hear da bass from like 3 or 4 blocks

Silver Member
Username: Quickshot

Charlotte, North Carolina U.S.

Post Number: 245
Registered: Aug-05
im not sure that if you throw it an an Eclipses back window itll break..ythat window is thick and that subs magnet must not weight everything so i dotn think so

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 217
Registered: Aug-05
Acutally...Volf subs have pretty damn big magnets...

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 218
Registered: Aug-05
I agree with Sean, Volf subs are pretty decent, but if you can get a better sub for that price, do it! That's just common sense I would think.

Silver Member
Username: Disturbedpriest

Post Number: 169
Registered: Jun-04
I have actually heard the red beast' in a spl ported box you know the ones with the Curved ports.. how to explain... lets see shaped like a snail, slot ported.. www.diamondaudio.com go to products support and look at the enclosures.. i have personally built three of these two for tens and one for a 12.. my god.. it makes one subwoofer sound like 2.. i think that is how diamond made it into the industry.. i have heard there subs in other boxes.. and they sound like SHI* i mean .. hmm its the box i swear hehe.. oh well sorry to thread jump guys.

Silver Member
Username: Mike_anthes

Canton, SD USA

Post Number: 308
Registered: Aug-04
volvenhog subs sound bad!!! and they don't get loud at all...

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 249
Registered: Aug-05
I beg to differ on the getting loud part. It's the low frequencies that tend to cause the most vibrations, not rattle, vibration, such as you can see in glass and in water. Well those frequencies tend to be <35Hz. I know for fact my subs (Volfenhags) reach very low, as I've used a bass test and a song (Chevelle's - Comfortable Liar) to test. Comfortable Liar goes below 30Hz. I've played that song and bass tests of <30Hz at high levels, and the Volfs do NOT drop out. In fact, the bass is so intense it cause not only my stock cd player to skip, but my new cd player to skip once (a Kenwood KDC-X589).

Not to mention my subs are in a sealed box, lowering their efficiency and loudness. The only distortion I've gotten from them is running my amp over it's 400W RMS (each sub is 500W RMS), so the distortion was from my amp, and not my subs lack of power handling.

I'm not saying these subs are God's gift to car audio, but I've had mine for a while. My system sounds good for what I paid. I plan on upgrading, but only for subtle reasons.

From what I've noticed Volfenhag started out with really REALLY garbagy gear. It seems though, that their quality is starting to become greater, and maybe in the future will rival that of other upper end companies. It's really up to the company to be honest.

In reality DHD needs to drop the Performance Tecknique line, and just improve on the DHD and Volfenhag lines. Yes, those are all branches of Volfenag.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 10387
Registered: Dec-03
at 50 smackers each, why not just spend $77 each and buy two RE12 subs?

Silver Member
Username: Subzer0

Richmond, KY USA

Post Number: 858
Registered: May-05
The guy at the somerset fleamarket here in Ky sells 12"s at 99.99 a piece all day long.. it's sad, even in bandpass boxes etc.. he makes a killing, I'm getting ready to take his business away from him though, stupid fat bast@rd..

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Post Number: 250
Registered: Aug-05
Well, Glass, we live in an impatient world. Getting RE's requires more effort, aka a phone call rather than an online credit account. Plus, RE probably ships slower than say Ebay. I got my subs from Ebay in 2 days, RE probably takes longer to get it to you. I wasn't impatient, just rather poor when I bought mine.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 3504
Registered: Jun-04
you got a good point there tyler altho i may try the re's next myself

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 3505
Registered: Jun-04
In general people I am around have shown me that the bigger the size with a low price and decent power handling are what sell the subs to them. Most of them dont know anything beyond that so its hard to justify spending any more than they have to. Lets face it no one likes to spend any more of thier hard earned money than they have too. Thats why theres all kinds price ranges out there because theres all kinds of buyers as well.

Bronze Member
Username: Alanledbetter

Post Number: 13
Registered: Aug-05
just get some alpine type s for a hundred bucks on Ebay.

Ask your friends about Audiobahn and see what they say. They seem to know what they are talking about.

New member
Username: Audio_paul

Watkins, MN United States

Post Number: 10
Registered: Oct-04
well i am trying to decide either those or 1 L7 i guess i wanna save money but i want quality to so should i just get an L7?

Silver Member
Username: Subzer0

Richmond, KY USA

Post Number: 863
Registered: May-05
if you want qaulity I think you already answered yourself... AKA no to the L7

Bronze Member
Username: Robert_d


Post Number: 81
Registered: Sep-05
u can get 12" type R's for 110$ shipped off ebay

Silver Member
Username: Subzer0

Richmond, KY USA

Post Number: 864
Registered: May-05
Amen to that, I want on eof those but still have this 12" SX so I am just gonna have to deal with it :-( lol.

Bronze Member
Username: Tdisanto

Post Number: 59
Registered: Sep-05
I agree with sean in that people want to get the most for their money, so they see big power handling for little money and think its a good deal. I also see people on hear posting threads asking for the best SPL sub and they dont care if it sounds like garabage they just want it to be loud. Ive learned quickly that its all opinion.

However i agree with glass in that for $25 bucks more (roughly 5 extra hours of work @ minimum wage) you can buy RE 12's which are very reputable entry level subs for a very fair and modest price.

So pick up an extra shift at work and be a man about it. Get the REs lol :-)

As far as shipping goes, IMO i would wait Two or Three weeks for good gear than get junk over night.
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