So im purchasing my first system on saturday, I'm only getting the deck and two sets of speakers...So heres what I'm getting...what do you think...If its a bad idea tell me and i wont waste my money...
Heres my stuff:
Alpine CDA-9855
Alpine SPS-690A 6"x9" 3-Way Coaxial Speakers
ALpine SPS-130A 5-1/4" Coaxial 2-Way Speakers
***I'm getting all of this for $395.58 with discout through Best Buy***
Is it worth it for my money or am I going in the complete and opposite direction for good sound?
You might consider getting a subwoofer sometime in the near future...
Having rear speakers at all can ruin your front soundstage completely. When you go to concerts, the music is always in front of you, right? The 6x9s would be all right if you had the fader focused towards the front I suppose. Ultimately, of course, that's up to you.
I drive a 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 Single Cab...i probably should have mentioned that to begin with...I do want to get an amp/sub eventually...but my income is short untill Christmas/Birthday (both in Dec.) but untill then just a deck/speakers...
type S speakers.. very good for the price.. good head too. in a small truck you can always use a self-amplified bass tube (bazooka) in 6.5" or 8" behind one side of the bench for low fill. won't rattle the glass, but it gives a nice low thump to the system to round out the frequency range. cheap solution, and removable with a single wiring harness plug, too.. when you need the space.