Joe93 Unregistered guest | Hi, I got a question about wattage and impedance rattings, I'm not a total newbie but am still learning. Let's just say I'm looking at running 8 speakers off a 2 channel amplifier, that's 4 speakers off each channel. All these speakers are the same and are ratted a 4ohm. Here's how I want to do it (But 4ohm not 8) So in theory 4 4ohm speakers wired in series/parrallel gives me a total of 4ohm and my amplifier impedance rating is also 4ohm per channel. So does this look good? My second question is about power handling or wattage ratings how ever you call it, the amplifier is rated at 100WRMS(Root Mean Square) per channel and 300WPMP(Peak Music Power) per channel. If I want to run 4 speakers off the one channel like in the picture above would each speaker have to be rated at 25WRMS each or 100WRMS each? These wattage ratings are what I still don't fully understand, I know that you should match a speakers wattage rating as close as possible to the amplifiers output power but people keep telling me a 50W speaker will be ok running off a 25W amplifier just as an example. Could someone please clarify? Thanks -Joe |