I guy i know said he had a 1/4 ohm stable amp before. Ive never heard of an amp being stable at such a low impedance. Does anyone know of an amp capable of this....
th old Orion HCCA amps were half ohm stable, but a few companies have made .25 ohm stable amps before.. Phoenix Gold made some amps in the early 1990s that had "no discernable minimum load." That's how they were advertised anyway. I have some stories about those and a sales rep back in the day but that's another story for another time.
US Amps had 0.25 ohm stable amps back in the day. They may have more recent versions, but I know they had them 10-12 years ago. They were the first "cheater" amps I had ever wired. It seems like I remember the US 100 being 0.25 ohm stable bridged, but I'm not positive on that.