Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 152
Registered: Jun-05
guys i have this amp... thje other forum was going too long so i started this fresh... _category=40&p_subcategory=140&p_main=10&p_more=y the question i have is that what should i set to what other words how do i tune this amp... there is NO gain setting... its totally digital.. someone on other forum told me to set the low pass frequency to 80 hz i did BUT my subs DO NOT sound good at all.. at 80 hz they do not give a solid bass or hit hard on beats... where as b4 the amp is leveled automatically by default to 200hz and it sounds SOLID ON bass and it hits HARD on the beats:S i pretty much want to leave everything the way it is but i dun wanna ruin my amp..ell me is there is nething i can set on that amp. u can refer to specs of the amp on the site above.. thnk u guys..

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 153
Registered: Jun-05
also i am running 2 10 inch infinities with250 rms n 1000wats peak with parallell wiring i dunt knwo if that matters but yeah

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 156
Registered: Jun-05
geez bump bump.... ne one ????

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 814
Registered: Aug-05
try 100hz. that's what my single 10" is set to. and it "thumps" if you will

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 815
Registered: Aug-05
also peak watts don't matter, they are almost never used when powering subs, unless you are talking about how much power a sub can take for a tone burst(burping the sub) for a SPL comp.

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4166
Registered: Nov-04
Pikeshp, you should run a frequecy test on your sub. It'll tell you at what frequency the sub hits hardest in your trunk space. You can have the best tuned box, but once it's placed in a car's trunk, the tunes can change.
Since you said at 200Hz, your sub was loud, that is your trunk's tuned frequency. Anything below 150Hz, and it'll start to disappear. In reality, the sound is still there, and being produced by the sub, it just doesn't have enough power to reach outside of your trunk.
Anyhow, getting loud bass below 80Hz in a trunk requires more time and testing. This is why they never said it was easy achieving SQ.
As for your amp, it is not strong enough for 2 subs. If you're lucky, you might get 150w rms x 2. In bass world, that's nothing. With my RE MT, I have to supply 800w rms minimum before it pounds.
You really need 500w rms amp.
As for your amp setup, leave it around 150Hz - 200Hz. Anything lower, and you won't ear it in the cabin.
If you have the manual for the amp, try and play with the parametric setting. Since you only have 1 control, it shouldn't require RTA to tune it.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 157
Registered: Jun-05
ohh thnx isaac n muddy cuz the subs only shakes the trunk n hits loud on that also... i think i am giving 200 rms X 2since its parallel wiring .. it says that wiht 14.4 v it will give 300 rms...:S :| now thats loud for me.. lol and someone said when the car is turned on it provides 14.4 how true i sthat?:S meaning when car in by stationary (not started) its not gunna b eloud when its ON the subs will pund eve more:S:S:S???

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4169
Registered: Nov-04
You can't get 200w rms x 2. The amp only puts out 300w rms. So since you have 2, that's 300 / 2 = 150w each.
You won't get 14.4v from stock alternator. Maybe around 13.2 - 13.8v. It varies.
With HO alternator, you will get anywhere from 14.2v - 15v.
Best thing to do is with a DMM, measure the voltage around the amp.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 160
Registered: Jun-05
ok well thnx for clarifying that ... but i thought that because of this..
RMS Power (at 12V,20Hz-200Hz)

Per channel into 2 ohms : 200W x 1
so because i have 2 subs connected i am gettin glike 400?

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4173
Registered: Nov-04
It says it clearly, 200w x 1. Meaning one.
So 200w / 2 = 100w per sub.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 162
Registered: Jun-05
hmm ok well i gues sits not that loud .. it feels pretty damm loud in the car LOL also isaac another question man..
1. which amp should i brun those subs what specs i mean what rms thing i should look at... so that i give full power to them.. second is that where do i place in box in trunk like close to rear seat facing trunk or close to the back trunk .. cuz on songs like BIA BIA y trunk SHAKES but on other songs its not that good.... soo whats the best place for the dual box to be... or i was thinking of putting box facing rear seats.. i dunt kow u suggest me the best THANK YOU!!!!

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4174
Registered: Nov-04
You need to look for amps that'll give you max power @2ohms. 500w rms should give your subs a great workout.
Unless you plan on getting rid of the rear seats, face the subs towards the back. You'll get lower bass than facing it towards rear seats.
Remember your trunk can act as a tuning port. Some frequencies will play much louder, while others will be very low. This is why you need more powerful amp/subs. It's not that the subs aren't producing low bass, it just can't get past your trunk enclosure.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 164
Registered: Jun-05
yeah damm u smart isaac LOL also dogg as u asid i get some songs like LOUD AS HEll like my trunk shakes but i also want the bass itssef to go out car like the bass not the trunk shaking soun dknow wha ti mean... so basically something like both may be of just abss outside.. n how close the subs should be facing back like right touching the plalstic pannel of sort of in middle with equal space left behind and in front..

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4177
Registered: Nov-04
You need at least 6" of free air space between the sub and the back panel.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 165
Registered: Jun-05
also isaac 500 X 1 or 500 X 2

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 166
Registered: Jun-05
alright so what do i do to get the bass out of my car cuz there is not alot bass going outside of my car the trunk shakes but not that a lot of bass can be heard unless u peak in ./..

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9797
Registered: Dec-03

a: nobody else wants to be annoyed by people with loud car stereos.
b: the more you hear outside the car, the more energy you're wasting and not hearing inside the car.
ideally, all of the energy would be contained in the car.. but most people aren't that lucky.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 170
Registered: Jun-05
LOL no glass wolf its not that i would disturb people i just want the bass to go out when i am showing it to my friends or when i am just chilling around ... even thoi know some peopel do notice my system i mean that day i had it up so peeps looked at me n i turned down soo its jus something wha ti woul dlike to have i woudnt put it UP every day.... so plz help me out wit this

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9799
Registered: Dec-03
open your trunk.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 172
Registered: Jun-05
:S sigh...... what can i say now..... i mean with trunk closed obvy it would be loud but i want the bass to go out when the trunk is closed in a driving position...

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 173
Registered: Jun-05
so yeah i want bass to go out of the car with out being my trunk open... cuz my trunk shakes but bass is not going outside too much... its hair stranding inside the car but not outside..

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 4181
Registered: Nov-04
Make a port/hole where your rear speakers are. If you're not using the rears, take them out. Then you will get more bass into the cabin, thus giving you more bass when the windows are down.
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