I am looking for 2 12" Subs, for a single cab pickup. I have 2 Kicker CVR 12 but am looking to upgrade. Total cost for subs cant be over $400. I am going to probably buy a JBL 1200.1 amp to run them. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Why not a single really good sub as opposed to 2 lesser ones, especially in a single cab truck? Just a consideration. What are you looking for, SQ or SPL?
well....if i can find a single sub that will sound better then my current subs while maintaing great SPL then that will work fine. I am hoping to find a sub that has decent SQ but a lot of SPL. Nothing like a solobaric though.
so your saying buy one RE SX 12, and port the box.....becuase im assuming that the one sub will not sound better than the two i have right now, but i could be wrong. Also can you give me some directions about porting. Thanx