Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 127
Registered: Jun-05
guys i know there have been tons of thread about BASS songs that bang on subs... but i want to know if there are songs out there like BIA BIA by lil jon i heard ot her songs but nothing bangs as BIA BIA or DA BLOW.... ne one know ne other songs with FULL of heavy deep bass like BIA BIA??

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 128
Registered: Jun-05

New member
Username: Corey

Post Number: 6
Registered: Aug-05


guys i know there have been tons of thread about BASS songs

You answered your own question.

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 131
Registered: Jun-05
wel mr ice man if you read this then you would find that i did mentioned that there "are" thread "BUT" i am looking for songs lie bia bia since i didnt find other songs good

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 785
Registered: Aug-05
Bia Bia is one of the most annoying songs i have ever heard. but that's my opinion.

Pick up ANY Three Six Mafia CD.:-)
or M I K E J O N E S!(no complaints please).

oh, and have you heard the new song from 3-6 called "still fly"?
that one "bangs":-)

Lil Wyte - Oxy Cotton(that is how HE spells it) chopped and screwed version.:-)


Silver Member
Username: Ucfsaxman

Oviedo/orlando, Fl

Post Number: 117
Registered: May-05
Bia Bia is a little too high for my taste except for the part when it gets low but it's not deep for long enough. Pretty much everything on the new lil john cd crunk jucie is bangin. David banner has some deep bass as well especially a song called "Might Getcha".

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 786
Registered: Aug-05
that's what i was thinking, i wasn't sure Bia Bia had low bass, b/c i haven't heard it in a while.

and if that's the case and your subs are "bangin" at those high bass lines, then your box is tuned too high or the subs can't handle a lot of excursion at low freq. and bottom out easily, or you have your lpf set to high.........or something like that. idk lol

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Maryland U.S.A.

Post Number: 2125
Registered: Feb-05
OK check out this RAP Group called NATAS


anything by ESHAM

Plenty of BASS

look for multikillionaire by natas

that album hits hard as fu#k

Silver Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 269
Registered: Jul-05
Jamaican Reggae ! - no not from the Bob Marley era but the newer Dance Hall stuff from about 1990 & up ......

U all may not understand the words/accent but byoi does it bang - lol

If u still don't know wtf i'm talking about download songs off kazaa/limewire , from artists like Buju Banton , Shabba Ranks , Cutty Ranks , Shaggy etc to get an idea ...

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 789
Registered: Aug-05
Damien "Jr. Gong" Marley! lol

Silver Member
Username: Ucfsaxman

Oviedo/orlando, Fl

Post Number: 118
Registered: May-05
Muddy i was saying that my subs are bangin on the crunk juice cd not Bia Bia. I have 3 jl 12w3v2's and excusion is not a problem the suba are very deep noticably deeper then my old 15s. They don't bottom out.

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 807
Registered: Aug-05
i wasn't ragging on your subs ucsfaxman. i was talking to pikeshp. i should have been more specific. if he wants deep bass, then Bia Bia isn't the way to go. if his subs are bangin at those high bass lines, then deep, deep(reiteration) bass might be too much for them, but i don't know, i could be wrong.:-)

Silver Member
Username: Basshead86

Ocala, FL USA

Post Number: 808
Registered: Aug-05

Silver Member
Username: Pikesh

Post Number: 147
Registered: Jun-05
lol ok muddy n usfsaxman.... my subs go deep n make a nice sound on those bass lines... i didnt mean like BANG.. i was wrong i meant that they sound nice with that loud bass... also... there is a glass that is supposed to go infront of my box... what i realize that when i am very close to my bandpass, its very loud bu tthe sound aint right (with glass off) but when i am close with glass on the sound is nice but not loud enough... now i dont know if i am should have glass on or not..

Silver Member
Username: Ucfsaxman

Oviedo/orlando, Fl

Post Number: 120
Registered: May-05
i gotcha muddy :-)

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 934
Registered: Nov-04
lol dont cha is a good bass song
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