is it safe to bridge two subs to the same amp, the amp is a Rockford Fosgate Power 451S 2 channel amp, and the subs are 2 10" Rockford Punch subs, also do you think this a good amp i haven't even hooked it up yet
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Rockford Fosgate hasent made good equipment since the early 1990s. Will in sound good by your standards? I don't know. Will it sound good by my standards? Not at all.
Bridging is something that is done to amps, not subs. I think that you are asking if it is safe to wire the voice coils of 2 subs to one common amp...and the answer is maybe. It depends on what the minimum ohm load to which the amp can safely operate, and how much electrical resistence there is accross the voice coils once all connections are made.