Can anyone explain to me, or send me a link to somewhere that can explain what size speaker wire to use in what applications? Does it matter what gauge wire I use from my sub to my amp? For example what gauge would I use for 400w rms? Basically if someone could send me a scale of the power handling of the different gauges and when to use them I would be forever grateful.
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i would just use 14gag for just about anything
Unregistered guest
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NO. you need 8 gauge norm
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is there realy a noiticable difference i actuly havnt had anything over 200w yet
Unregistered guest
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i guess i have never play'd around with it right now i have a 150w amp runing a couple 8's and i have its not even speaker wire its kinda like house wire 14gage copper 600volt wire i supose if you have to small of a wire then there would be some resistance on the amp and the speakers wouldnt sound as good or get as loud