Odd question


Silver Member
Username: Supraspyder420

Sammamish, Wa U.S.

Post Number: 138
Registered: Jul-05
Well im putting speakers in my boat (eclipse SP8964) and they have the polypropylene cone and santoprene surround. Now ive choosen these over amrine speakers because marine speakers sound liek crap. SO my question is, can i spray them with a fabric/carpet protector? I know this sounds weird but it is a very thin application and wont peel, crack, or anything, and isnt hard at all. so the santoprene surround can move freely.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Silver Member
Username: Supraspyder420

Sammamish, Wa U.S.

Post Number: 139
Registered: Jul-05
Oh and im asking because i want to find a way to make them a little more water resistant. But thats obvious

what about that spray for distributor caps to keep them water tight?
or any silicone spray for that matter

Silver Member
Username: Supraspyder420

Sammamish, Wa U.S.

Post Number: 140
Registered: Jul-05

Silver Member
Username: Scubasteve

Annapolis, MD

Post Number: 466
Registered: May-05
If they're exposed to water or extreme humidity, be prepared to replace them every 6 months or so, maybe longer if you're lucky. The home speakers I put on my boat have been fine for about 4 years now, but they're also in a cabin with de-humidifiers...As for spraying them with waterproofing, I can't say whether or not that will corrode the surround. Look on the package and see what the active agent is.
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