New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 4 Registered: Apr-05 | i am amazed at how many people on here are talking about this company. i have never heard of them before. everybody seems to really like thier i am looking for 1 or 2 subs..either 10, 12 , or a 15. about 600watts rms. i was thinkin an sx 15 but i have no idea how much power it can handle and if its a sq or spl or sql type of sub. prefferably i would like a sql(somethin in the middle of sq and spl). and if anybody has any prices..any input would be appreciated..thanks |
Silver Member Username: Mikechec9Chicago/atlanta Post Number: 811 Registered: May-05 | "i am amazed at how many people on here are talking about this company. i have never heard of them before. everybody seems to really like thier products." Adire had better step it up before they become the "Able" to RE's "Cain." i believe, if i'm not mistaken, the sx is an HC motor, better equipped for immense output with considerable control. but not as much sq as the xbl2 motor employed by the XXX. |
New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 5 Registered: Apr-05 | ah i am mistakin..i meant an SE 15..i know a xxx would be better but i dont think i have enough power to push it. im runnin a jl 500/1. "Designed to be the best daily driving sub in the world. With excellent sound quality and extreme control, the SE series is the epitome of what a daily driving sub should be. The SE series is as much at home in a sound quality system as it is in a SPL monster! Features SE series: 10", 12", and 15". All are dual 4 Ohm Dual composite 2 piece cone Rubatek foam surround Cast aluminium basket Tork-Tite terminal 4 layer flatwound aluminium voice coil FEA optimized TG technology motor structure Triple stack magnets Progressive spider Wrap around rubber gasket 600wrms power handling" ![]() any suggestions, reviews, or comments? good sql? |
New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 6 Registered: Apr-05 | how would the se 15 compare to 2 jl 12w3v2s |
New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 7 Registered: Apr-05 | anybody? |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 9567 Registered: Dec-03 | I'd get the SE15 myself. less overall space needed, it'd do very well with 600 watts, and I'm just not a big fan of the W3 line of subs myself.. they've always been a bit muddy at higher output to me. |
New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 8 Registered: Apr-05 | thanx for the reply glasswolf..almost 10,000 posts i can see you know what ur talkin about. an se15 is lookin like the prime canidate. just a few more questions though. as per RE's enclosure specs for se15 sql..4cu.ft. ported 30hz tuning. is that what i should be looking at? and wiring..the se15 is dvc 4ohm or 2 ohm? which wiring should i look at..parrallel, series and what i said i got a jl 500/1 which is 500w 1.5-4ohm.thanks again |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 9595 Registered: Dec-03 | yeah that'd be a great box for that sub you can order the SE as dual 4 or dual 2 ohm coils. I believe stock config is dual 2 ohm |
New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 9 Registered: Apr-05 | whats an se 15 run, price wise? |
Silver Member Username: CnafetsPost Number: 150 Registered: Aug-05 | about 100-200. |
New member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 10 Registered: Apr-05 | y so cheap...the qaulity is up there, right? i mean its not a crapy sub. |
Silver Member Username: CnafetsPost Number: 156 Registered: Aug-05 | its nowhere near a crappy sub because re isn't a crappy company. The 15" is actually 200 plus shipping. |
ICEEMAN Unregistered guest | RE makes fantastic subs. In fact, they make a sub thats only 70 bucks that is super fantastic and can beat out many subs over twice the cost. They build the products after the order, so quality is a must. They dont add exta krap that is unessesary like flashing lights and what not, just pure quality. You cant go wrong with the SE. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 11 Registered: Apr-05 | the enclosure might cost more than the sub itself |
Silver Member Username: CnafetsPost Number: 160 Registered: Aug-05 | Are you going to build it yourself, or have someone else install it for you cause then your really just paying for labor. 3/4" mdf isn't that expensive. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 12 Registered: Apr-05 | i got a shop that i trust near me to build it. but i was thinkin of getting these guys to make one for me; i emailed and asked for a price but never got an answer back. i can do the install i just need somebody to make the enclosure. its gonna be atleast 100..prob more like 150. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 13 Registered: Apr-05 | nebody know of good place online that is fairly cheap to build an enclosure? |
Silver Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 181 Registered: Jun-05 | Does anybody know where to get RE Subs if you live in Canada ? |
Silver Member Username: CnafetsPost Number: 164 Registered: Aug-05 | |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2068 Registered: Feb-05 | is a great choice. Phil built me a box for a JL 12w6v2 and a RE 12 and now a Avalanche 15 and its some of the best priced boxes online and excellant quality also. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 14 Registered: Apr-05 | how much did u pay for the box for ur 15 avalanche? |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2069 Registered: Feb-05 | $160 Shipped from PA to MD |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 15 Registered: Apr-05 | def not a bad price..was it ported and do u know what part of at college in williamsport |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2070 Registered: Feb-05 | not sure about what part. Check out and call phil tommorow at his #. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 17 Registered: Apr-05 | i talked to phil today. he said it would be 200 plus 30 shipping..i told ya..the enclosure costs more than the sub itself. |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2081 Registered: Feb-05 | The enclosure is also as important as the sub. You can put a nice subwoofer in a crappy box or half decent box and it will sound like crap but if you put a entry level sub or cheap sub in a very good box you will notice a big differance. Its usually the install and box that do the trick. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 18 Registered: Apr-05 | yea i know..i think im gonna go ahead and order it seeing as how he sounds like he knows what he is doing and has experience with RE stuff. i know the shop by house doesnt do much/any RE stuff. here are the specs for the box; Enclosure - 35.5" w x 16.6 h x 18" d GBv - 4.87 cu.ft. / NBv - 4.04 cu.ft. Slot Port @ 30 hz - 2.5" x 15 x 25.25" Vented Bracing Carpet - Charcoal Grey or Black Terminal Cup w/ Spring Posts - Gold Plated 3/4" MDF i just gotta make sure i order the 4ohm DVC model..not the 2 ohm. |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2082 Registered: Feb-05 | Good, i know you will like your box. I liked the boxes he built for me so far. I have working on my RE SX 15 right now. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 9633 Registered: Dec-03 | it's too bad Phil is an assh*le |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 19 Registered: Apr-05 | please elaborate |
New member Username: Mr_cabinetryPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Hey, Glass Wolf. YOu got a problem with me, spit it out |
Silver Member Username: Mike_anthesCanton, SD USA Post Number: 292 Registered: Aug-04 | lol...whada know phil shows up at the right time... |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 23 Registered: Apr-05 | should i have a terminal cup put in there or should i just drill a hole and snake some 8ga through there (im assuming a se15 has big enough terminals for 8ga) |
MrCabinetry Unregistered guest | Unlike some people, I don't hide behind a screen name and talk trash about them. BTW, GlassWolf, next time you post trash about how someone needs to grow up, you'd better do some growing up of your own if you can't handle objective difference's of opinion. |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2087 Registered: Feb-05 | Hey Phil, its MO. Thanks for the nice job on the Avalanche 15 box. It sounds really good at 2.2 sealed that you built for me. Definetly recommend to anyone that wants a great box for a reasonable price. Look forward to more business in the future. |
MrCabinetry Unregistered guest | MO, No problem, btw, " I have working on my RE SX 15 right now. " ???? |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 767 Registered: Sep-04 | mo, i am going to build myself a sealed box 2.2 cuft sealed. i was going to make the interior dimensions 16 tall by 20 wide by 12 deep. but im curious of your dimensions being that you really like your box. sorry phill i cant afford to have some1 else build it for me. i was also thinking maybe 18 wide and 14 deep... and on top of that i am going to build a 4cuft net volume slot ported box to 26 hz. i want to see if i like ported or sealed better. |
Bronze Member Username: Mxl16Post Number: 25 Registered: Apr-05 | i got a quote from a few days ago. i gave them the same specs as i gave phil and they quoted me opposed to phil's 195. |
MrCabinetry Unregistered guest | Trevor, You don't have to be sorry. Money's tight these days and ya have to watch where every penny goes. |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2088 Registered: Feb-05 | Well phil, i love your boxes you have built for me but i wanted to give a try and see how there boxes are. I have sent alot of customers your way over the last 2 months and i look forward to more business with you. You will hear from me in the near future. By the way i will sign your guestbook for the Avalanche 15 box you built me. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 9673 Registered: Dec-03 | not hiding at all Phil. first time I bothered to look at this thread since my last post. I've stated my problem with you many times, and I'm happy to do it again. your work is middle of the road, and your attitude leaves a lot to be desired. you're arrogant, pompous, and should learn to treat customers and people who send you customers a bit better in the future. It's already cost you work, and I plan to cost you more work until you get that attitude you so eagerly displayed earlier in check. good day. |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 769 Registered: Sep-04 | mo will u ever answer my question? lol ive asked u in a few different threads lol |
MrCabinetry Unregistered guest | You don't dime one about me and I give each and every customer all the due consideration and respect they deserve. It so easy for you to make slanderous comments and be insulated in the knowledge that you can act in the manner you do and feel pretty good about yourself in the process. BTW, I could stoop to your level of childish behavior, but, since, I don't know you, but you think you know me, which you don't.... I'll just leave it at that. |
Silver Member Username: Basshead86Ocala, FL USA Post Number: 741 Registered: Aug-05 | lol. I SAID GOOD DAY!! has anybody heard Adam Carolla say that? he talks about it on Lovelines, saying that is the ultimate arguement finisher. lol |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 9682 Registered: Dec-03 | not qworth the effort. What makes me actually feel good about myself is knowing I do superior work, without signing onto forums for the sole purpose of starting fights. this thread is done. |
MrCabinetry Unregistered guest | Hahaha, And you got the stones to call me arrogant when it's clear to see you typify the word Arrogance. I come across plenty of people like you, you think your above everyone else only to fall on face when you cannot appect the obivious. Your such a small minded person and a pathetic one at that, your right, this thread is done and I'm not waste my time on someone who thinks their holyier than thou. |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 776 Registered: Sep-04 | okay u have yoru differences.... neither of you are too arrgant... my dad builds over 150 houses a year in a middle size town. there are so many homeowners that complain about everything! they are the extreme of arrgant... its rediculous. my dads been sued before because a guy decided he didnt want a pool anymore after it was all done and my dad told him he had to pay for it. you guys just have yoru differences so as long as u dont communicate everything is cool. so i end the thread now 8) lol |
Silver Member Username: PhuktupbassheadScottsdale, Arizona United State... Post Number: 209 Registered: May-05 | ......... Damn. Well, now I'm curious to know if Phil will be that much more curtious to customers because of said comments. Also, I'm equally curious to see if Glasswolf will be more likely to answer newb's dumb questions now that said comments have been thrown out there as well. If anything, they vented on each other, and everyone else will likely benefit as well. Neat. (And you were right, , "GOOD DAY" really is an awesomely funny statement! lol I love that part!!!) |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 2099 Registered: Feb-05 | Trevor the 2.2 cuft. sealed box does wonders for the Avalanche 15 if you want SQ/SQL setup. If your after SPL then go ported. I love my 2.2 cuft. sealed box in everyway. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfWisteria, Lane USA Post Number: 9702 Registered: Dec-03 | I fully intend to continue answering every question I have time to respond to, but mainly I try to get to ones that haven't gotten sufficient help yet. If soemone else has or can easily answer them, I usually leave it unless I see it still there a day or two later otherwise I'd be here all day ![]() |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4048 Registered: Nov-04 | Just look at his post numbers. |
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