Looking for a mono amp to power 2 kenwood 10" subs.350w rms svc wired at 2ohms.I guess I would need something in the 700wx1 @2ohms range under $200.I saw a Profile amp that was 500w (AP1000M)for like $96 on ebay.Not sure of the quality.Doesn't have to be a great amp (budget!)just something decent.I'm running my system (if you could call it that)off 1 Hifonics 5ch amp.It's only putting 300x1 to the subs.I need a bit more power.Thanks
No, don't waste your money on that amp. For under $200, your choices are very limited for quality. One amp that I know will work, is the Audiobahn A8000T. It is 2ohms stable and probably will give you around 650w - 700w rms. It also costs $130-$140. If that is not your fancy, then try some used JBL/MTX.
thanks Isaac I kind of figured the Profile was junk,a little too.I just keep thinking about the phrase " you get what you pay for" I just wish I was like a lot of these kids on this forum,still living at home with mom & dad and have nothing better to spend their money on.Damn I hate being on a budget!!!!I'll be checking out the A8000T,any other suggestions????