i have two sets of front speakers.. can i use the front rca preouts while using the internal amp for the other set?
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the RCA preamps out are not amplified to speaker level, but you can send the signal to an amp.
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i ask because i know you cant use speaker level AND rca at the same time for input on an amp.. so i want to know if its safe to use the internal amp for one set of front speakers and run rca's to an amp for the front components i dont even know if my rca's will be turned on i might have to turn the internal amp off in order for the rca's to become active (excluding the subwoofer) but if they are active with the internal amp on i dont want to strain the deck
most modern head units do allow you to use the head unit power for door speakers at the same time as the RCA preouts to an amplifier for a different set of speakers or subs, yes.
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thanks thats a big convenience since i dont have to stuff a line converter behind the radio as its already tight with wire and now i wont be worrying about the radios well being while driving PLUS