what kind of sq will this sub give me and will it have nice deep base. the reason i'm asking is because i have two 12inch vr subs and they sound great, but i know i can do better and i would like more space in my trunk. I like the deep rumbel of the 12s and i know i wont get that out of two 8inch sub but on a scale 1-10, 10 being what i'm getting out of the 12s, what kind of deep bass am i going to get? and at what ohms do those subs operate at and what is there rms? thank you to however responds!!!!
Bin Laden
Unregistered guest
Posted on
According to JL Audio's website the OPTIMUM RMS range for a 8W7 is about 250 watts RMS. The JL Audio 8W7 operates with a single voice coil 3 ohm configuration. Finding a compatible amp for a 3 ohm sub can be tough. If you plan on buying a JL 8W7 you might as well buy the JL Audio 250/1 amp to push it. As for the bass. That is impossible to tell until you hook it up. I think it will get moderately loud but I don't know about huge deep bass. It would be difficult for any 8 inch sub to have deeper bass than 2 12's. You might also consider adding another 12 inch VR sub for a total of 3 if you desire more bass. I hope this helps.