I got 2 JL amps installed in my car, the 500/1 and 300/4. I really wanted to stack them next to each other up against the back wall of my trunk (the back of the rear seats that fold down into the cabin). Unfortunately, with the space that the wires sticking out of the bottom take up, they won't fit this way. Right now they are just screwed into the base of the trunk. I would like to build some sort of amp rack to display them, nothing too elaborate or fancy, I'd just like some feedback.
My first idea was to just place a board in front of the opening for my back seat, and just mount the amps on this board. This is probably the least elegant solution, plus I would lose the ability to fold down my back seat, which sometimes comes in handy.
What I'm thinking of doing now, is building two platforms for the amps, one in each back corner of my trunk. I would like to just place a board in each corner, so I can lay the amps upright. I just don't know how I would attach either of these platforms to my trunk so that the amps don't move around. I don't really see what I can screw them into, or secure them on? I thought maybe I build a triangular base so that the amps are slightly slanted towards the cabin, but still this will probably shift around. Should I place both platforms on a board that runs the length of my trunk? I've just never done anything like this, so I really dont know what to do. If anyone has any suggestions, or can let me know if they have some sort of similar setup, please post a reply.
Also, I was wondering where I could get that dark grey/black "carpet" that goes on sub enclosures, so that I can match everything up nicely.
Although I dont have alot of input for you as to how you should mount your amps. But if you built a small box for them then you should still be able to fold your seat down. I built mine so the wires and terminals are covered and only the amp faces are open.
The carpet you are referring to can be bought at ANY decent car audio place, along with the spray on adhesive.