it's all a matter, of personal opinion, i think Oso said this once: "Cheap Equipment is not good, and Good Equipment is not cheap." thake that how you will, but the majority of amps you can get that are high-power for cheap, are crap.
the opti series is not crap. Definitely when they stopped using the zed design in 03/04 their quality has gone down. But the new opti series is pretty decent and for the money (on ebay) its more than decent. Owning the older lanzar, i can say it was better than good. HEard the new opti 2000d and for the money, was impressed. i dont think any of you owned all of lanzar's amps so dont be hatin'
Lanzar went belly up years back. They were great back then i owned a opti 50 and opti 200 exceptional amps. Since pyramid bought them out when they went belly up they ruined the respected name and quality that once was there. Its a cryin shame they made the best amps I ever owned and I owned alot.