I think my system is drawin more power than my battery can handle. I have a JL 1000/1 and two w6v2's. When I turn it up to high volumes the bass will cut out for maybe 4 or 5 seconds and then come back on. My boy said he saw the low volts light come on too. If I put a yellow top optima battery in to replace my factory battery would it fix my problem? Also I heard that some battery was was better to use, i think think the name was Stinger or somethin. Is this true
What i did was put a optima yellowtop in my trunk and a 200 amp isolator to charge it(you must have the isolator or your alternator wont last), and i can beat for hours.
I cant afford to do that right now. It plays loud now for hours its just when i turn it up real high it starts doin that. I have a SUV so i really wasnt planning to upgrade my alternator, I thought that would be good enough + I dont have the money to do both. I was just wondering if a new battery like the optima or stinger would help