New member Username: Timchevy10NE USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-04 | I, myself, have a decent whistler radar detector. It's kept me from a couple tickets already but if a cop knows what hes doing im screwed. So what can one of those expensive valentine detectors actually do? Can it prevent u from a ticket no matter what? |
Bronze Member Username: Steveo?????, CA USA Post Number: 43 Registered: Mar-04 | NO... Nothing can prevent you from a ticket. If you drive a flashy car you will get a ticket. The beste example I can give is racial discrimination. We all do it inadvertantly, and so do cops. Drive a minivan with a Valentine and you will be golden... LOL |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 2631 Registered: Dec-03 | if you're going to break the law nothing will guarantee that you aren't caught. the Valentine One has the best range of any detector, you can upgrade existing models by sending them back and paying for updates, and the V-1 tells you which direction the signal is coming from. It will not tell you if a police car is pacing you, nor do you have much chance against laser unless you're lucky enough to get a couple seconds' warning from scatter. for the common X, and K bands though, its a superior early warning. |
Silver Member Username: VipersbymsPost Number: 144 Registered: Apr-04 | the valentine one does NOT have the best range, and it doesnt "tell" you where the signal is coming from. it just has little arrows that light up, that are commonly inaccurate. the escort passport 8500 is also upgradable. many detectors today can give you warning of laser detection since it takes longer for the laser guns the police use to send out its signal then recieve it, than it does for the detector to recieve the signal. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 2968 Registered: Dec-03 | the strongest radar signal is going to be the direct one, not a reflected, weaker signal. The V-1 is pretty dead on, and doesn't false that often. As I said, the 8500 is my second choice anyway. As for laser, I have no idea where you came up with that bit of BS, but here's a bit of more accurate info for you. Laser can reflect off of plastics, unlike radar. Laser, once it's bounced off the car, has essentially registered your speed, regardless of return path time, which mind you is at most, in milliseconds, and still a hell of a lot less time for LIGHT to travel from your car to the detection device, than it takes for your detector to go off, then for you to react, and tehn hit the brakes, and only THEN, to slow the car enough to make any difference what so ever in how much you're about to pay for the speeding ticket. Don't believe range tests by magazines like car and driver. for years they rated Bel as being the best, when in fact they came nowhere close to Cincinnati Microwave in sensitivity or accuracy.. Bel did however buy a lot of ad space in the magazine, and got preferential treatment. That's just one example of biased testing. |
Silver Member Username: VipersbymsPost Number: 147 Registered: Apr-04 | yea so what glass is telling you is dont believe anything any tests or anything has ever shown or proven. just listen to what he says because thats whats best. i dont care if you have owned them all, or if you own the valentine company, its not the best. |
Silver Member Username: VipersbymsPost Number: 148 Registered: Apr-04 | you sound like the people in the subwoofer threads that say boss is the best |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 2980 Registered: Dec-03 | Buy what you like. The V1 gave me the best results in actual daily use. This whining of yours accomplishes nothing. I'm sure people will buy whatever they want anyway. |
Bronze Member Username: GermanguyPost Number: 34 Registered: May-04 | Quote GlassWolf: "I'm sure people will buy whatever they want anyway." You could also say...people are more likely convinced by own ideas than by arguments from others. |
Bronze Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 58 Registered: Oct-04 | Rofl laser is almost INSTANT Kevin, are you stupid? Laser detection is really worthless in a sense, id invest in a laser jammer. Police are trained to shoot at your lights and your plates because they are the most reflective surfaces, some jammers mount in these areas have been tested and been 97% effective. Oh yeah and drive a black car ![]() |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 4904 Registered: Dec-03 | the one thing laser detection is good for is if you do happen to obey the law, and possess a CB. you can alert people around you to any speed traps being run, even if you don't actually see the trap location. I've been saved by more truckers with a CB than I ever was by a radar detector. just some words of experience. |
Bronze Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 67 Registered: Oct-04 | Best range in real road situations this year (2004) was awarded to the Escort X50 at 2 1/2 miles for both instant on and constant Radar modes. At this far out neither Bel nor the Valentine detectors picked up a signal. The Valentine detector also failed to pick up POP mode Radar at 1,000 and 500 feet distances while the Escort X50 and Bel did detect it. Both detectors cloaked against VG2 effectively (even though VG2 isnt made anymore it is now spectre 1, 2, and 3). The escort X50 was fully stealth to VG2 and Spectre 3 while also showing superior detection distances to Spectre 1 & 2 over the Valentine (which was not stealth to spectre 3) and the bel detectors. All detectors FAILED to pick up laser when aimed at the front targeting zone of the vehicles. Bottom line both Valentine and Escort X50 are awesome detectors and both will provide radar detection with ample warning time. The Valentine did how ever fail in POP mode radar detection. - Speed Labs Testing [Note] Speed labs uses ONLY police officers professionally trained to operate speed detection equipment to get rid of any bias possibility. NO ONE part of Speed Labs ever touches a Radar/Laser gun or RDD while testing Radar/Laser/VG2 detectors. |
Unregistered guest | Sup ppl; Interesting topic this...I am heading towards wanting (like REALLY wanting - ehehe) a radar/laser detector...the urge to speed is just to great ;P (lol).. So how much aprox. do these detectors sell for and where would I buy from? I came across this thread by searching for Sony Xplode sound system stuff - so it was pretty random and i'll probably never retun again (unless by chance..) so if you really want to give me some good advice please send me an email (to "") - Thanks; Muchly appreciated ![]() Laterz' |
Bronze Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 91 Registered: Oct-04 | You can buy them all over the internet or at your local electronics store (blah). If you are going to be cheap the best one you can get fot 130ish is a whistler. The whistlers did the average best in all categorys during the speed labs test. If you really want performance and want to invest into one you are going to want to go with an Escort X50. The Escort has crazy range and is well worth the $300.00 (cost of an average speeding ticket). My detectors have saved me MANY MANY times going in excess of 40+ over the marked speed limit. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 5035 Registered: Dec-03 | the valentine is $399 |
URaLLaSSES Unregistered guest | Funny people come to this website to ask questions. Morons to begin with. My advice to anyone buying a detector is to read the road tests of the 3 different Major testing companies and make up your own mind....if you have one. Go to Google and type in "Escort X50 tests" you will find all the right links on the first results away. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 5846 Registered: Dec-03 | has lots of good data. I own both a V1 and an X50. I like both of them really. I'm interested in Escort's new lidar jammer system, but I don't relish the cost. |