amp help Unregistered guest | i need a mono amp with 1000 watts rms @ 1ohm to power 2 type R's wired together HIFONICS BRUTUS BX1000D or Kenwood KAC-X811D which is a better buy? any other mono amps with 1000 RMS x1ohm youd suggest? also..any1 have a wiring diagram for hooking 2 4ohm dual voice coilsubs together to be powered by a mono amp? |
Silver Member Username: JaackdethUnited States Post Number: 503 Registered: Sep-04 | Here is a wiring index-- As far as other amps, there are alot of them. What is your price range? |
amp help Unregistered guest | no real range...under $300 tho i guess...dont wana get 2 pricey thanx 4 the diagram |
Silver Member Username: JaackdethUnited States Post Number: 504 Registered: Sep-04 | Here is another site that will help with some selections on amps and subs. Thank Glasswolf for it. Good luck |
New member Username: Quick_shotPost Number: 3 Registered: Aug-05 | alot of people consider that one easier as for the amps both of the ones you mentioned arent very good..they are overrated and dont put out 1000rms this might get a little bit more pricey but look at Kicker KX 1200.1, MTX 1501D and even MTX Thunder 942 all those amps go from 300-400 on cant buy reliable stuff for cheap Free Quick Shot |
amp help Unregistered guest | wont they be more then 1000 watts rms? i want to do that?..wont it be 2 much power for the subs? what about an MB Quart Reference RAA1000? i see it on that list as highly recomended..and this one says it has 1000 watts rms @ 1ohm.. |
amp help Unregistered guest | what about an MB Quart Reference RAA1000? |
Bronze Member Username: FirlefanzPost Number: 57 Registered: Jul-05 | @amp don't want to destroy your thoughts, but: 1 I would prefer hifonics over kenwood (kenwood is a No No as amp) 2 sure you need 1 kW RMS???? Ever heard 1kW?? 3 for 300 there is really no 1kW to buy! 4 you might find some digital amps with that output within in your bugdet no control and overrated 5 What's the rest of the system setup? 6 what kind of music and what target (blast the neighbours or decent and good sounding?) |
amp help Unregistered guest | ive found several..but thanx 4 the input still looking to hear about the MB Quart RAA1000 amp? |
amp help Unregistered guest | ive found several..but thanx 4 the input still looking to hear about the MB Quart RAA1000 amp? |
Bronze Member Username: JronPost Number: 63 Registered: Jul-05 | yeah the amp is supposed to be a really good amp for the price. It is stable to 1 ohm, for 299, you can probably find it cheaper than this over the internet vs. crutchfield. check crutchfields ratings for this they are all positive ratings, plus it is an mb quart amp so the quality is there. fits your budget, and it should pound those 12's nicely. |
Silver Member Username: JaackdethUnited States Post Number: 505 Registered: Sep-04 | AMP, just so you know, you can get a pretty good amp if you add around $50 to that price. |
amp help Unregistered guest | Thank god for you guys ! Always great info and ideas... 1 more thing? Does any1 have (or find) the information I would need to get this fitted 2 a box? the measurments and w/e other settings...I can't seem 2 find wut I need...prolly cuz I don't know exactly wut I'm lookin 4...haha |