i was just wondering what is the best way to tune your amp?... i have a jl 1000/1... i have 2 12s and a ported box (dont know what its tuned to, prolly high>?)... i didnt install yet but until then i was just wondering how to set all of the knobs... for instance - -"infrasonic freq"... -"Q"... -center freq"... -"boost (dB)"... -"Amp LP filter"... -"filter freq"...
helllpppp... i dun wanna tune it incorrectly and freak up the subs ;) thanks
lower your gaines on your amp, then higher the volume of the HU, once you get the your usual listening volume, adjust till they distort and back it off til they dont.
True, I say play around with everything but the gains and boost until you find the right setting. If your box is tuned really high you need to set the infrasonic filter at like 30hz.