I have a desperate need for midbass speakers that are not part of a comp set(comp set midbasses will not be enough). So far I have been able to find the CDT Ef 8s for $120 shipped and the Elemental designs Eu-700s for $100 shipped.
Are there any others for under $150 a pair that would be a good choice. Which one would you choose
Mikey H
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Hey, check out the image dynamics cx series, I have only heard 1 pair of 6" speaks but they sounded real good, I would rather go with CDT everything Ive heard from them I love. And they are on sale I think for about 2 more weeks
I was trying to stay away from 6in speakers unless their are build more like a subwoofer(like the Eu 700) But I will check out the ID one anyway. Thanks for the reccomendation though
the 6.5 inch subwoofer eu700 should hit the upper bass and lower midbass well...good for matching midrange speakers to...I just bought one myself...the surround is immpressive to say the least for a 6.5" subwoofer (3.5" deep too)