Question about amp output


Why is it that (for example) if you had a 10 watt rms amp and replaced it with a 60 watt rms amp and left everything else the same there is a significant audable difference?? But, if you a 1000 watt rms amp and replaced it with a 1050 rms amp and left everyhting else in the system the same the difference is not noticable?? The difference in amplifier output is the same, 50 watts rms in both cases, yet the audable difference in each scenerio is not the same. Explain.

Silver Member
Username: Jaackdeth

United States

Post Number: 433
Registered: Sep-04
If I understand you right, in the first case you are using "6x's" the power, where as in the second one you are only "Adding" watts!! :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Xdrummer03


Post Number: 96
Registered: Jul-05
To actually hear a difference.You basically have to double the power to notice the difference.Mainly cause you have to double the power to double the sound.

Bronze Member
Username: Shadow1290

Post Number: 68
Registered: Jul-05
10 - 60 = x6

1000 - 1050 = +50 / come on it's not that hard
(1000 - 6000 = x6)

So, in other words, it's all about percentage as opposed to how much of a rms wattage increase. Is that what you guys are saying??

1st scenerio: 500% increase
2nd scenario: 5% increase


What do you mean it's not that hard? They are both increased by the same amount. Therefor it seems as though the sound ought to also increase by the same amount.

Bronze Member
Username: Thelonewolf

Post Number: 63
Registered: Jul-05
it is kinda like dealing with money, i have on penny, i can buy one candy. simple yes? Now i have 6 pennies i can buy 6 candies... still with me? now i have $4.80 i can buy a box of candy. now i have $4.86 i can buy a box plus 6 candies... now i have $486,000,000 i can buy the candy company. get it? it went up the same and it wasnt as satisfying but it went up the same percent and it was.(i know it didnt go up the same percent just an example)

Bronze Member
Username: Shadow1290

Post Number: 70
Registered: Jul-05
10 to 60 watts = 500% increase becouse it doubled it's self 6 times

1000 to 1050 = .05% increase becouse it didn't nearly even double its' self

(Thoes Equations ARE real percentiles)

1000 to 1050 = 5% increase

1000 to 1005 = .05% increase

(Those equations ARE real percentiles)

Unregistered guest
right so you shouldn't be able to tell the difference in a 5% increase in power unless.....your a DOG!!
but 500% is an impressive increase in power thus you can easily hear it

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