Which one would you take and why. I want to know sound differences not price differences. Are they close to the same does one hit harder, sound better etc. I already bought the JL becaude I never heard of the XXX until I came into this forum. I've been out of the car audio game for 10 years now and am just getting back. I can return the JL if the XXX is that much better.
go XXX. the w6 isnt a bad woofer by any means, but for powerful bass go for the XXX. both the subs will have awesome SQ. depends on your kinda music and your needs for bass.
Posted on
Xxx is superior to the 12w6v2. It is on par with the w7.
i called RE audio to order a XXX 12, and they said they were being redesigned. i was crushed, till i found out that the MT 12 was rather cheap when compared to equal subs with double the value. so i got one, and i luv myself for it.
The real question is does your current sub (W6v2) leave you wanting anything? Is it loud enough? If so, don't worry about it. I prefer the W6v2 over the X.X.X. for sound quality personally, it is an excellent sub and really better than the W7 for SQ purposes. SQ is on par with an X.X.X., SPL isn't. X.X.X. also requires a good chunk more power than a W6v2, 1000+ in most cases.
thanks. I havent installed the jl yet. I'm rebuilding the center consel in my 05 superduty crew cab. the sub will fire dowm. it will be 2 inches above the floor and a jl 500/1 is it's power it's in a 1.25 cu ft sealed box