This could be a stubid question i think


ok i am sure that people have asked this before but if you where to take a sub with duel voice coils and a 2 ch. amp and ran 1ch to one coil and the other channel to the other coil could this have a good efect it doesnt realy seem like the best idea to me but i am just wondering

Happy Toothpick
Unregistered guest
You dont make any sense on so many levels.

Silver Member
Username: Tbone

OK United States

Post Number: 249
Registered: Feb-04
It depends on the impendence of the coils, if both coils are four ohm coils, that is how you want to wire it up, but if both coils were 8 ohm coils, you would parrallel the coils and bridge the amp.

ok each voice coil is 4ohms and so is the amp so you take one channel of the amp and run it to one coil then take the other amps channel and run it to the other coil on the sub, remember there is only one sub but two coils

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 1604
Registered: Dec-03
biggest trick is being sure both channels/gains are properly balanced.
if one coil gets more power/signal than the other, the two coils will fight each other, and you'll eventually damage the sub.

with a DVC sub, if it's 4+4 you're probably better off going to a monoblock amp.

Happy Toothpick
Unregistered guest
I summed it up with the wrong on so many levels statement I believe.


i summed it up with you dont know SH!T about SH!T
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