I just went on a vacation recently and saw in my parents car a 400wrms AC-DC power converter so that we could plug things like laptops etc. into it, then plug the converter into a cigarette lighter... anyway, these things only cost like $15 or so, would it be possible to use them to power subs? Just a thought, I know it wouldn't be simple but it might be able to save a ton of money.
A power inverter? The power requirements for home amplifiers would most likely exceed a $15 power inverter if that's what you plan on using. Plus you have to consider the fact that most cigarette lighter's only put out a maximum of fifteen amperes before the wire melts or fuse blows. Therefore, you'd have to wire the inverter directly to the battery (They do sell inverters that are meant to be wired directly to the battery).
If you need more power, then treat the inverter like an amp and install it accordingly. The problem with inverter is, it wastes power converting DC to AC. Now if you used your home stereo in the car, that unit would convert AC to DC and waste some more power. Do you get the drift? Lot of power wasted going back and forth. You'd be better off with a car amp.
where im from a 400wrms power inverter is more than 15 bucks, i have 2 of them, but your giong to need more power no doubt, stick with regular stuff, thats kinda like buying a dj amp for your car, makes no sense to me
I'm sorry.. but that's just SO ghetto it's laughable. In all seriousness, those cheap inverters put out a square wave voltage.. not a sinewave AC votlage. At best, they may put out a stepped square wave. That's really bad for a power supply if you want clean power to an amplifier.
If you really insist on using home audio gear in a car, the way to do it is disassemble the amplifier or device, and re-work the power supply so it's a true DC to DC power supply. I've done this to use USD and Rain noisegates in a car before.. but it's time consuming and a lot of work. You're better off just using car amps in a car, and leaving the home amplifier at home where it belongs.
It never ceases to amaze me what new and silly ways people come up with to cut corners in the audio world.. using car stereo gear at home, and vice versa. Like this kid I saw at a gas station with big home speakers in the back of a tempo. Sounded like total crap but he thought he was P Diddy with that ghetto rigged garbage blaring at full (stock factory radio) volume at about 70% THD.
Oh, I just re-read Chris's post. I think he's either asking if he can use the inverter to power his home stereo amp or asking if he can use the cheapt $15 400w power inverter and connect IT to the sub like an amp! Boy don't ever do that. You're asking for some fireworks. The inverter may say it's 400w, but that's a different kind of watt! Don't confuse it with the audio's watt.
Chris, the problem is that you're converting back and forth between AC and DC, and every time you do that, you're losing both power and quality of that power. you're really better off keeping both car and home audio gear where they were meant to be.
always happy to help with car audio in a car though, or home audio in a house.