Glasswolf, You seem to be the most knowledgable person on here, at least about car audio. I had a question on hooking up my eq, My question is HOW? Its way to complicated and i dont want to pay the guys at work 50 bucks to do it.....
fifty bucks seems fair. if the manual is beyond you, maybe getting local help is the answer. is this for going between a head unit and amplifier? all line level?
if so, aside from mounting, you just run RCAs from the head unit to the EQ inputs, then go from EQ outputs to the amplifier. after that, connect constant and switched power, ground, and illumination, then connect the remote trigger if it needs one for turning on.
so i plug rca's from the head unit into the eq instead of the amplifier, and then use the high input wires to the amplifier, instead of rca's? thanks for your help by the way oh and also i have one remote wire from the eq and and one to the amp, if i connect them both to the same remote wire on the head unit will this cause problems? also its the same with my power lead, only one to the battery but 2 connections, one from the stereo, another from the eq.
it should have front and rear RCA outputs as wel as at least one pair of RCA inputs. If this is a "power booster/EQ" with powered outputs for speakers, you can't use it with your amplifier.
well it only has 2 inputs from the head units line out inputs, so i used 3 foot rca's and splitters to get all 4 rca's hooked up, then used 2 more splitters to connect the rcas from the amp to the equalizers "outputs" and it works some what, but i get a shitload (excuse my french) of feedback........... Do you know what could be causing the feedback? the feedback is from lots of things like you can hear the stereo loading?!?!?! and its like crazy distortion from the ignition as well............
well cody has no idea what he's doing, so I can help him all day long but it's not going to get him anywhere. You need to have at least a basic understanding of these things, and the ability to follow directions if you want to accomplish anything.
well it turned out I knew enough to know the ground was creating a loop. You suggested to me that i could connect the ground from the stereo and the eq. it ends up the ground was creating a loop and causing distortion, Like I said I was getting feedback from the cd player loading, so I figured I would give rewiring the ground a try, and it ended up working thanks for all the help that did help, cody p.s. I do have a very advance understanding of wiring, and circuits, but not a whole lot about car audio, but my knowledge of circuits and how they work, and possibly that I am an electrician, did get me out of this situation. And yes I did need splitters, becuase there were only two female inputs on the eq and 4 rca's from the HU. there was an output to the amp as well, but only 2 female rca's as well. therefore there were 4 splitters needed. Maybe Next time giving NOT jumping to conclusions a try will work out a little more.
good picture. the head unit and EQ should have been grounded to bare chassis metal. did you have them going through the factory wiring harness for a ground?
in that picture, from left to right, sub out goes to the sub amplifier front and rear out go to the 4 channel amp head unit pre-outs go to the EQ's "input"
that's all there is to it.. I don't know why you're using splitters..
you're combining the RCA signals.. good way to burn out the head unit's preout stage. you only need one set of outputs to the EQ. the EQ then handles fade and balance